Bot Info Command


This command serves as a help command to help users know which bot commands are available to use.

Source Code

package bot.commands.general;

import bot.commands.CommandContext;
import bot.commands.CommandInterface;
import bot.driver.Monitor;

import net.dv8tion.jda.api.EmbedBuilder;

public class BotInfo implements CommandInterface {

    public void handle(CommandContext c) {
         * Code for the bot info command. Lambda is used to create the embed and
         * get the retrieved owner name and avatar inside the footer of the embed.
        if(c.getCommandParameters().isEmpty()) {
            Monitor.myBot.retrieveApplicationInfo().queue(botOwner -> {
                EmbedBuilder info = new EmbedBuilder();
                info.setTitle("**The Monitor ™ Bot Information**");
                info.setDescription("A multi-purpose Discord server bot in development.");
                info.addField("**Default prefix**", "m!", true);
                info.addField("**Command Usage Example**", Monitor.prefix + "botInfo", false);
                info.addField("**Moderation**", "setPrefix, ticketSetup, invite, mute, unmute, purge, kick, ban, unban", true);
                info.addField("**General**", "botInfo, serverInfo, ping", true);
                info.addField("**Fun**", "roast, wholesome, simp, avatar, pp, rps, meme", true);
                info.addField("**Music**", "join, leave, np, play, loopTrack, pause, skip, queue, clear", true);
                info.setFooter(botOwner.getOwner().getName() + " | Bot Developer", botOwner.getOwner().getEffectiveAvatarUrl());

    public String getName() {
        return "botInfo";

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